I love these people!

Friday, January 16, 2009

See Jane Run. Run Jane Run.

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter's T, G, I and F!

With a special happiness contribution from Martin Luther King,Jr, whom we shall honor by NOT working on Monday.

Other than that I really have nothing to say, or rather no time to chat because this is what my day will look like:

Please note that in real life I do not actually wearing a skirt, peter pan collar or a rooster top hairdo.

That said, I found this little nugget on MSN today. I find it quite ironic that my hometown tops this list of America's Healthiest Cities for Women and one of the reasons is LOW job stress. Hahahahaha! I also see that women in my ancestral home have the highest life expectancies. Which stresses me even more because I realize that I will need to work HARDER and save MORE in case I don't die exactly at 86.4 years of age - when my 401k runs out.

And then on the bus last night, I started thinking about eggs.... because I forgot my iPod. Can anyone tell me why there are no size 'small' eggs? And why is size 'large' the standard? Really, how many recipes, if they state size at all, ask for anything besides 'large'? So why are they not sized small, medium and large instead of medium, large and extra-large?

And finally from the Please-Make-Jane-Feel-Normal files: Have you ever dreamed that you didn't sleep all night? I mean you honestly thought you were tossing and turning and wide awake but you now realize that you were in, like, Greece or something with the American*Idol judges so you probably were, in fact, quite asleep. I wonder how THAT contributes to my stress level.

I guess I did have a couple of things to say. And a couple more:

Happy weekend everybody!

Peace, Love, Sisterhood!


Diane said...

First, I totally picture you in a skirt, Peter Pan collar, and rooster-top hairdo. Now my image of you is shot. I'll just have to picture you in a snot-sleeved sweatshirt.

Second, I had that dream the other night. I was exhausted when I woke up. It happens to me every couple of months or so.

~j said...

i need more sleep....i was waiting for some great story about how eggs and Ipods were connected. totally missed the idea that you were bored and thinking of random stuff. oh, it's gonna be an interesting day. lol

A Woman Of No Importance said...

I was helping a nu-folk singer that I really, really love, to move house the night before last - in my dreams...

My other half was with me, and we were carrying (me with a slipped disc?!) boxes, boxes, boxes up and down (broken) stairs - Not certain what that was all about, but I woke up aching, and I never even got to see him perform!

Debbie said...

They do that little large, extra large and super size to trick us into thinking we are getting more for our money. Is it working?

Sheri and George said...

I would like to know if the chickens that lay those egss are medium, large, and extra large in size or are they one size lays all? Think about that while on your bus.
How you went from ipod to eggs is beyond me? Were you baking? if so you must send us all some.

Sultan said...

I hope you will be able to set aside some time this weekend for some deep restful sleep!

As an aside, the trend in the US is to super-size but I wonder what the antonym to this would be? I wonder if one can stride into a Burger King and say "Good sir, minimize this!"

Noanie said...

Have you been eating pepperoni pizza before bedtime again?
And the egg thing - it goes with "why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway" and all of life's little mysteries like that.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I , too, will honor Dr. King by NOT working on Monday. . . My boss asked me to attend the annual interfaith breakfast with him and didn't I complain that I have to go to a work-related event on my day off . . . but - never-the-less, do you think they'll serve extra large eggs???

thesleepdeprivedmomma said...

I HATE that freakin dream!!! How bout the person that's stupid enough to look at you and say something like, "Sleep well last night?" Ever just picture their eyeballs melting as the flesh and blood just starts to pour off of them, like in Raiders of the Lost Ark?



Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Yeah, had that dream all right. Freaky.

binks said...

I was totally picturing you with the rooster doo.
Can you see the bubble bursting?

I have that dream all the time but in Italy with Keanu Reeves & then I finally fall asleep and when I wake up he is gone.
I think I have some abandonment issues.

Truthfully, I never thought about the egg issue. I'm not a good rule follower and that includes recipes. When it says large egg, all I see is egg. (This may be why my cooking and baking, not so great.)

Angie Ledbetter said...

I've had the exact same dream...but only Simon was there. :) Happy weekend.

Andrea said...

Stopped by via a comment on another blog...couldn't resist the pic of the dog with the scraf! Your blog is great...love your humorous and witty writing! And the graphics of your page are really unique. I enjoyed my time here...will be back to visit often. :)

Unknown said...

I have totally dreamed that I didn't sleep. I wake up and I'M POSITIVE that I didn't sleep at all ... like I'M POSITIVE that it's only been a few minutes since I went to bed ... but ... how did the hands of the clock move? It's a mystery ... one I'm still trying to solve. :)

Happy weekend to you, too!

Small Footprints

Anonymous said...

Not sure how I came across you. You know, all threads run together and then I got lost. But, glad I did.

I think I'll hang around awhile.

Kat said...

I have it by direct authority that you drew that picture of yourself in your favorite outfit! I must be the only person on the planet that has never noticed that there were not small eggs for sale...

Lucky Wife/Bookaholic said...

Fisrt I do like confirmation that I made a somewhat decent fav things list... (what can I say I'm a middle child)
Secondly, not only did I cut my hair myself, I then had my 11 yr old square off the back for me, talk about trust! I was tired of the "V". The one advantage of curly hair, it has to be a major screw up to even tell.

ShanaM said...

I truly realized that I don't dream much... probalby because I don't sleep much. I had wicked dreams last week, though, probably the first in a long time... guess what they were about? I woke up rather hot.

Anonymous said...

I never pictured you with skirt, collar, or rooster-do...but I am surprised to see that you're black. In Utah? Hmmm...

Spent all day yesterday with the M's. Fun day! Their new house is gorgeous and so comfy. Very home-y. I'll email you a pic of me at the his desk wearing his black Cowboy hat. Ha!!!! AND, he was a verrrry gracious host.

Shupe said...

Cheers to the holiday weekend as well.
I FINALLY get it off - I think the first since I hit the work force.
I about fella outta me chair when I found out on Thursday!

cheers to the ritas!!