I love these people!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today's Cartalk

Jane!: I look hideous in gray. I don't ever want my hair to be gray. Promise me that even when I'm old and dementiated and in a home, you will still color my hair once a month.

Alpha: That seems kind of pointless, not to mention expensive.

Jane!(aghast): Uh!

Alpha: I'm just sayin', if I'm already paying for the dementia home....

I suppose this means I can forget about the margaritas and Chippendale dancers that were also on my list.


Attention blog geniuses: Can someone explain to me the 'Links to this Post' business? Some days everywhere I go, I see my post listed in the 'Links to this Post' section under the comments. I swear I have NOT hit the 'Create a Link' button. Other days, I see nothing. Sometimes I see 3 or 4 or 5 different posts from the same blog (not mine) listed.
Help me! I'm so confused!

And that's all I got.


Sultan said...

You have this all wrong. Your daughter should be building a special wing for beloved mom pampering.

Diane said...

The good thing is, when you're all senile and everything, you'll look in the mirror and think, "Damn, that is one old lady!" But you won't have a clue it's you. So no worries.

Gina (Mannyed) said...

...or maybe you'll totally forget that you hate gray!

Jane! said...

But, Gina, I still won't look GOOD in it!

Sheri and George said...

I'll bring the margaritas and chipendale dancers when I come to visit. And whne we're done drinkin I'll color your hair.

Robin said...

No Clue about linkage. I tried once on another blogger and it was just too much for my pea brain.

Tracie said...

Our conversation in the car this morning was "Mom, did you forget to put makeup on?" "Crap!"

Jan said...

The conversations in the car are the best. And I have no clue about the link thing. Tried playing with it too and dont get it. Thought I was the only one.

Deedee said...

Jane, this is a worry of mine as well. Tell ya what...I'll come do your roots if you'll do mine. I'll bring a big bottle of wine-white or red?

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Hey!! I have the exact same question re: the links thing! Glad I'm not alone in this.

As for the dementia and hair, yeah, create your own little Thelma and Louise group, is my suggestion. Don't depend on the man.

Angie Ledbetter said...

No clue either about the links appearing sometimes. I've asked at my blog and still haven't gotten a real answer. ug!

Got my first gray hair at 21, so I def feel your pain. Had it boy short for the last 2 years (great for stretching a box of L'Oreal!) and am just letting it grow again. What a big giant PITA!

Unknown said...

i have a bout 4 grey hairs now and two kids who have allowed me 100 and then its off to the nunnery !!
no idea about links- wish i did..

Anonymous said...

Not even I get the link thing! Weird, right? ;)

LOL Loving the car conversation!

Becca said...

I must be the weird woman out! I love my grey! I have earned every stinking one and I wear them with pride! Sad thing? I am only going to be 45!

Suldog said...

I haven't the slightest idea concerning the links. Sometimes I see that I'm linked to 6 or 7 different blog postings of others, and I have no clue why. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

I've made every immediate female family member SWEAR VOW PROMISE to pluck the whiskers from my chin when I'm dementiated and/or in a coma. And to make sure I don't have boogers hangin' out my nose. Boy, I dread that sh*t.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm not certain but I think this is the answer


I'm not sure the POINT of them. I think it's to get your blog out there in more places...

Unknown said...

Today, I was advised by a very wise blogger to not leave responses to those who left comments on my blog, at my blog, but to rather post them on their blog.
Here's what I left for you today on my blog:
I don't imagine you would with it being so cold most of the time. A friend of mine from NYC told me one time that I was crazy, that cockroaches don't fly. I had to show her in the dictionary. They don't fly as much in colder climates, for sure.
Sorry my post made you so squemish.
My name's Jane too.

P.S. I hope all that made sense!!!

Debbie said...

I don't know what that link stuff is either. I don't pay any attention to it.

Sultan said...


thesleepdeprivedmomma said...

Last conversation in the vehicle with Elder was along the lines of . . .
ME- How was school
Her- Ugh (brief nod)
ME- What do you want for dinner
Her- No
ME- I think I'm gonna have my brain frozen for posterity when I die
Her- uhhuh (shuffling through her MP3 player
ME- Then I'll have my vagina bronzed
Her- whatever

Noanie said...

I have a feeling my kids are going to dump my butt by the side of the road when I become useless to them - um, and that would be when I stop working. Pfft, as long as they do it in Arizona, I don't care. I can survive on the street - lol!

binks said...

Your child actually speaks to you in the car??? Mine is either texting, on the phone, ipod blaring or sleeping. In fact, I really can't remember the last time we had a conversation. In fact, I can't remember the last time I SAW him. Should I be worried?

The Ice Bloggers said...

Oh god. How depressing. Write it into your living will, then they'll have to keep the gray at bay. As for the links - I've no idea what they mean either.

Kelly said...

I'm sure there is no way my son would color my hair when I'm old. I'll just have to give up and start lovin' the gray...I have plenty of it now (that I keep covered up) so I'm sure there will be a head full when I'm old.

kristin said...

I have TRIED to link to certain posts and I just can. not. get. it. to. work.

Not good for my self -esteem.