I love these people!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Safe and as sound as can be expected

Yes, I made it home safely - twice now, although my butt bones might tell a different story. The best reason to never quit bike riding is so you don't have to go through the process of toughening up the parts of you that meet up with the bike seat - ever again.

I have the techy seat and the chamois underwear but still I get bruises. And then there is no choice but to get right back on those bruises time after time until they go away. I'm not sure where they go but I wish they would leave already.

And no, it doesn't seem to matter how much padding you have on your.... um, personal seat.

It was SO good to get out and ride. It had been too long. I'm not much of a stationary biker. The problem with a bike that goes nowhere is that I can get off of it at any time. Usually a very short time. Because I get bored like that. And I'm undisciplined. With a real bike, not only does the scenery change but I have no choice but pedal myself a whole hour if I want to get home. Of course there IS a Great Harvest Bread store at about the halfway point. I just might have to stop for some carb loading one of these days.

I was pretty pleased with myself because my time was almost the same as when I stopped bicycle commuting last, hmmm, October? I'm going to keep better track of my miles and days this year. I think last year I was afraid I wouldn't last a week so I didn't want any kind of written record laying around as proof of my failure. Or I just didn't need any more paperwork in my life. Either excuse is believable.

I tell you, the sleeping is pretty wonderful after all that fresh air and exercise, too. And just so you all don't lose any sleep, I'll tell you that my ride is really not all that dangerous. I don't go anywhere near downtown and most of the streets I travel have wide bike lanes. The most dangerous threat is probably getting run over by one of those skinny-tired lycra guys who are headed UP the canyon faster than I could probably go DOWN the canyon. Well, I could get the shoes and the spankies and the racing bike and all that noise but think of how much less exercise I'd get. It has NOTHING to do with how cheap I am.

Well anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are intact!

How's the man cave coming along?

Angie Ledbetter said...


Diane said...

Yay for you! You've inspired me. Of course, I don't have anywhere to commute to. And I am afraid of traffic. And I don't do hills. And I'm inherently lazy.

I guess I'm not that inspired, huh?

But yay for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're here to get all that healthy exercise for all of us.. so we can pretend we're part of a "group". hehe Stay safe!

Noanie said...

You go Jane! Proud of you for getting back on the bike. And it is gravity that causes the bones in you pelvis to sink close to the seat and cause the bruising - that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Me and my bike have to wait until I move the patio furniture from in front of it in the shed. And that will happen right after I upload my last, and I do mean LAST term paper at the end of April. You see, I graduat on May 16! Woo hoo!

A Woman Of No Importance said...

So proud of you, Jane!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

And I thought we were twins separated at birth????

You excercise?????

No need for a DNA test now!

Anonymous said...

Could you put a tractor seat on that bike? They're very comfy.

Jan said...

I have to stick with the gym. No bike paths will take me where I need to go.

Paige said...

Good work! How far is your ride?

I do about 12-15 miles a day and take off the weekends--my ass needs a rest by then, even with all the right stuff

Sultan said...

Be careful!

Debz said...

Excellent! You did something for you and mother earth!
I'd be interested to know how far it is, how long it takes you and what the daily (or how ever often you plan on biking to work) charting is. Not that you have to tell me, I'd just be interested...

Unknown said...

A lady in our neighborhood and in my same age group bikes religiously and I applaud her and you... but I'm just not into that, although I do walk a lot!

~j said...

standing ovation for Jane!!!!!!

makes me want to get the bike out and go for it!

Miss Thystle said...

The only people that ride their bikes around here are CRAZY people. And also me, starting tomorrow with my awesome new bike!

Deedee said...

Yeah, those spandex man pants are just so very wrong...almost as bad as boy bikinis. Good going on the biking!

TwiBitch said...

Good going Jane! Glad you made it home safely. You do realize that your round trip is the equivalent of an 'almost' marathon....almost 26 miles!