I love these people!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mother Nature must have needed a good laugh

Yesterday I was flapping my yap about how we didn't have one lick of snow left. I truly did not intend to sound braggish even though I was telling it to my friend who lives in the 'Otas and still cannot see to back out of her driveway because that's how high the snow is piled! Still. I also might have mentioned the fact that it was 68 degrees on Tuesday. Hey, I was just reporting the weather. Besides, she started it with her 'it's a nice day because it's above zero' comment.

Apparently the weather powers-that-be saw it differently because when I got up this morning there was 3 inches of new snow on the ground. Hahaha. Aren't you funny, Momma Cosmos!
But it is the most pretty type of snow. The stuff that sticks by half an inch, to each tiny branchlet on the bare trees and frosts the topside of all the evergreens like even the most anal-retentive tree flocker never could. Combine that with the sunshine, blue sky, white mountains and perfectly clear, see-for-miles air and it made a beautiful drive to work today. Really! Gorgeous!
Alas, I am not packing the Canon today so you'll have to use your imaginative powers about the trees, but this old photo covers the rest of it.The snow day also gave me another opportunity to wear my cute, suede boots. And a good shoe day is a just a good day period.
So haha back at you, March Lion!!
Ooh, I will probably pay for that remark with another foot of snow.


Sultan said...

Sending you some warm winds.

~j said...

gotta love karma. it was 90 here on sunday (top down on the convertible day) and today we're looking at a "chilly" 60 with more rain.

Sheri and George said...

I agree with you on the good shoe day. Any reason to wear your best pair of shoes is a good day. So I say let it snow if it means wearing your suede boots! Can you tell I'm a shoe freak?
Hope the weather turns around for you- we're still battling snow here in WI too.

Anonymous said...

You know I never jumped on the cute boot bandwagon but I'm betting by the time I get around to buying a pair they won't be in style anymore...and they're SO cute...guess that's what I get!

Very pretty snow - I miss the blue sky crisp snow days *sigh*

Becca said...

Wow that picture sure is pretty! And we turn the clocks ahead this weekend!

The Lady in Pearls said...

Hot and windy here! Hot is good. Wind though, with this thin hair, not so good. Bad, bad March Lion! I swear my hair was sooo cute this morning. Now? Floppy and saggy. Kinda' like the rest of my body. Good for you on the cute shoes though!!

Anonymous said...

Hehe.. Mother Nature will kick you in the booty EVERY TIME!! LOL Sending you warm thoughts.. it's supposed to be 80 here today.. then probably snow on the weekend!!LOL Enjoy the snow.. winter's almost over!

Deedee said...

Yeah, that ole' nature can be a real comedian. Wake me when it's June!

Gina (Mannyed) said...

the weather gods are always listening...

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Mother nature laughed over here too.

Kat said...

Would it kill you if I told you it was a GORGEOUS 88 degrees with sunshine here today, hmmmm?

What is this sparklepeople you speak of?

Paige said...

You should not screw with mother Nature. I know better than that--she can be quite vengeful.

It was 65 today but so windy, you could hardly stand up

Henry the Dog said...

We've been having strange weather here. One day too hot, the next day frost, then rain, then snow, then hail, and this is the south of France!! That photo is beautiful. The view is awesome.

Debz said...

Oh honey, it's in the 70's here all weekend! Loves it!!

Lorrie Veasey said...

What IS that thing in that picture?

OOOooowait---do you have TREES where you live?