I love these people!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Circus, circus

Alpha went to the Britney Spe@rs Circus T0ur concert last night and thought it fabulous - every single piece of each everything that came in all 30 Britney semi-trailers.

This morning, Alpha, sporting a B.S. 'You Want a Piece of Me' t-shirt, shared the exciting details which included many things I don't remember. Britney's cage did make the memory cut. Also the fact that there were no animals in her circus. Thank you god.

In spite of my fershit frame of mind lately, which I will complain about another time, that concert recap was truly a sparkling mommy moment for me. Alpha was never much of a Britney fan during her tween years; mostly just since the rather colorful fall from grace - yeah, Alpha likes a good wreck as much as her mother - but when she talked about the show, she couldn't have sounded more excited if Britney had pulled her up on stage and promised to take her shoe shopping. Ah, these are the memories she will still be sharing (if not re-enacting) around the canasta table at the senior center.

Anyway, what made it fun for me is that Alpha is almost 20 years old and I don't have to worry whether to preach Ms Spears as a horrible warning, or a good example (she has made quite a comeback) or simply a cautionary tale because I sure don't know which way to call it. I just listened and thought back to those bawdy John Denver concerts of my youth.

Luckily, Alpha didn't have to pretend there wasn't lots of skin or suggestive dancing like I would have had to. In fact, if my mother hears that Alpha did see Britney Spears in concert, I will have to tell her that it was the revised You-tah version where they dressed head to toe in seagull costumes and sang show tunes because sometimes motherhood should take a break.


Diane said...

I can't wait for the day when I can stop explaining. Of course, she'll probably have to explain things to me by then. Like I have to do with mother. Wait... I've ALWAYS had to explain things to my mother...

Jan said...

How funny. I remember my daughter going to concerts like Christina Aguilera and wondering exactly went on there. Oh those were the days..... Not!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great experience for her. Britney isn't any worse or better than most artists today.

She will always remember this and it will give her proper bragging rights to all her friends.

Deedee said...

Hahahahahahahaaa! Great post, Jane.
Sorta reminds me of the Hanson concerts I attended with my little princess many years ago (except for the exposed skin and the sexually suggestive songs, that is). They all have their icons and it's a necessary rite of passage.

Sultan said...

I had a dream recently where I was trapped in a Brittney spears concert. My role was to interview Ms. Spears and to make her look smart. You can imagine how stressful this was. The only benefit was at least I had become a good dancer in the dream.

Anonymous said...

A seagull costumed, show tune singing Britney all for Utah!? ROFL!! :)
I am envious of the fact that you are past having to give the 'Britney speech' ... we're just getting into all that here *sigh*
Sounds like a lot of fun and I love the image of her having a new story in her repertoire to tell around the canasta table!

Sheri and George said...

I remember when my girls started going to concerts and wonderingif they did all the same things I used to do when I went? It drove me crazy because I didn't want to ask them and give them a hint of what their mother was like in her youth yet I really wanted to know if they had inherited my bad girl genes.
Sounds like she had a great time and will have something to talka bout for many years to come. britany has come a long way in a the past couple years. Thank goodness!

Debz said...

I always liked the Brit-Brit of olden days so I'm rooting for her and her crazy ass self to get back on track. Not totally on track though. A little left of center is more fun to watch.

Glad Alpha enjoyed herself so much. I think I would have too and I'm freakin 42.

Unknown said...

Oh, the days of my girls in their teens going to concerts! Scary as hell, even remembering!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

sounds like a fun experience

Miss Thystle said...

I think I'd like to see that concert with the singing seagulls.

gail said...

Seagull costumes...you crack me up!

Kat said...

It's been several decades since I went to an actual concert but I'm wondering - do they still smoke doobies at concerts? :)

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

I'm not a Britney fan, although she does have a few catchy tunes. But I think it says a lot that she has made this turn around and is it at least working on getting things back together. Compared to the number of other younger celebrity's out there, she has at least managed to not go on the run from the law, stay out of rehab and still has a drivers license. (I think?)

Pearl said...

...over the canasta table at the senior center...

Not sure why, but I laughed out loud at that one. Such a visual!


DavidShag said...

"Bawdy" John Denver? BAWDY John Denver? Either I was REALLY missing something or you got the special treatment! You don't have a plaster casting tucked away somewhere, do you? I never did too many concerts - the most notable being the Rolling Stones with tina back when it was IKE AND Tina - oh, god, I'm old... I can imagine the relief of having a kid at an age when really there's no more you can do, so just enjoy it. I never thought of the 'train-wreck Britney' days as a shrewd career move, but so, apparently, it was, and that's why I am not a promoter, I guess.