I love these people!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

She waved the blog-crack under my nose

Because I loves the Mud and Lorrie and she caught me in a weak moment...



Lorrie Veasey said...

Free time is SO OVERRATED.

Come back to the blog side, Jane.

We have cookies.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

As well she should have. . . we have so much to catch up on. . .

Miss Thystle said...

and whiskey. Because you can't eat cookies with out something to drink.

Jan said...

So does this mean you are back? Does this mean you missed us? Does this mean you need to blog? It is a great stress reliever you know. Where else can you just let yourself go? And be in the company of loved ones?

Bev said...

Thank goodness for blog crack!! Woohoo! I hope you are back. I have missed your posts!

Kathy B! said...


I knew you couldn't stay away from us forever!!

Becca said...

And it worked, didn't it? ;-)

Debbie said...

Just wanted to pop by and say that little sample over at Lorrie's just left us wanting more!

Anonymous said...

I miss you.

thesleepdeprivedmomma said...

Yay!! I finally had the time (Ok, so I read while I was supposed to be studying) to go and read your G.B. post. It was refreshing to read your voice again. Thanks for your supportive "You can do it's". I need all I can get. Wishing you luck in mitten and shoelace land.

Kat said...

Seriously could use a Jane fix right about now...

Lorrie Veasey said...


A little bit won't hurt you.

Come guest post.

My analytics NEED you.


Anonymous said...
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