A noticeably CLEAN spot, that's what!
A few days ago, in the middle of the morning frenzy, I spied a fresh, juicy glob of cat puke in the middle of the carpet. By the time I got back to it with the spray carpet cleaner and a rag, however, most of it had disappeared. I shot the dog a 'you are SO disgusting' look and scrubbed out the rest of the goo.
Well, apparently the combination of cat vomit, dog lick and Re$olve carpet cleaner has some crazy whitening properties because now it looks like spring has indeed come to the Jane! house and we are all just waiting for that one last pile of snow to melt.
Somewhere on the I-15, there is a car full of in-laws - probably with the turn signal on - bearing down on You-tah.....
and that's why you should never clean. It makes the rest of the house look so much dirtier!
Now I'm gonna have the Jaws music in my head for the rest of the day. Thanks for that.
Of course, I won't have in-laws in my head... and I can only be but so annoyed through my pity.
Hang in there!
Hey, I figure the dust is protecting my furniture from getting scratched!
I use to have one of those spot carpet shampooers for the dog messes, but then I would have a clean spot in a dirty rug, so then i'd try to blend it in and end up with just a bigger clean spot.
hey you can dirty that up in no time.
Just what your mother in law needs to see! One lone clean spot. . .
Quick! Get it dirty again!
Yeah, lone clean carpet spots are the worst. I have more than one, but they are spaced out across the span of the carpet, which just makes the whole thing look like crap. ANd then the MIL complains about my lack of housekeeping skills...I just can't win.
I always miss such good stuff when I can't get here regularly - damn!
Anyhoodle, hope you're able to stay on an even keel while the in-laws are in-town (yes, I know a hypen doesn't go there - it just looked right to me. OK, yes, I am losing it!)
Peace out
Know what's worse than a clean spot on your carpet?
A wet spot in your bed. I usually make him sleep on it.
You're welcome.
This is EXACTLY why I got hardwood floors!!
This is not your fault, it is the cheap shoddy carpet's fault...and maybe the kitty.
I'll take the cat yack over the in-laws any day. May the force be with you!
I can relate! This is a major drawback of having carpeting...and in-laws
I hear you. I have a carpet cleaner. You can borrow it.
Hey, I'm not a Martha type. I was house breaking Tazzie and a puppy at the same time. It was a SURVIVAL tool, k?
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